On Tuesday, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson led several Donald Trump supporters during a small rally in front of Gloria Allred’s offices on Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles to protest the attorney and Hillary Clinton delegate‘s representation of Summer Zervos, one of several women who have come forward with claims of sexual harassment against Trump –which he denies — in a series of “October surprises” just weeks before the Nov. 8 election. 

Allred was away in Philadelphia and Rev. Peterson was not permitted to enter her offices, according to his account. However, Rev. Peterson addressed members of the media and indicated his belief that the release of “bird-dogging” videos released on Monday indicate that the Democratic Party is the true party of radicals, and that they are willing to “whatever it takes” to win this election.

Rev. Peterson’s interview with Breitbart News is below:

Breitbart News: What do you think of the newly-released “bird-dogging” videos that were released and broken by James O’Keefe, showing that Democrats used provocateurs to incite violence at Trump rallies where the mainstream media reported on it?

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson: I wasn’t surprised by that at all. The Democratic Party, especially the representatives of some of these unions, are very radical. They would do whatever it takes to win an election and they are sending these people out to cause problems at Donald Trump rallies. And then the media … certain parts of the media, they blame Donald Trump for, when Donald Trump supporters are not causing all of this violence and fights that break out at the rallies. The Democrats. I even had one person tell me that they were paid by the Democrats to go out and start fights at Donald Trump rallies. And I’m not surprised by that at all. And Democrats. You know what’s beautiful about this? This is the first time in the history of America that the Democrats have had to deal with a Republican who stood up and is standing up against them.

The Republicans have been able to falsely accuse. I mean, the Democrats have been able to falsely accuse Republicans of hating women, hating the homosexuals, hating the blacks. They’ve accused them of being rapists. And the Republicans have not stood up and fought back and exposed the Democrats. Donald Trump is doing that and the Democrats don’t know how to handle that.

They’ve never been able — They’ve never had to deal with a real fight such as they are having to deal with now. Donald Trump is the man for the country. He will Make America Great Again. And he will be our next president.

BB: Are you concerned with voter fraud, similar to what happened during President Barack Obama’s election?

JLP: Yes. I’m concerned with voter fraud. The Democrats will do whatever they can to win this election. They’ll steal it. They’ll register dead people. They’ll register animals. They’ll register anyone in order to steal this rally. I mean this presidential whatever [election].

BB: And if Hillary Clinton does win come November 8, do you think that the Senate will be secured by Republicans or Democrats will win that back?

JLP: You know, that’s a good question. I think Republicans will still rule, but you can’t depend on the RINO Republicans anymore. They allowed Barack Obama to turn America into a socialist society. They were afraid of him for fear of being called racist. And then, some of them agree with Barack Obama — like Paul Ryan and others.

So, I don’t expect anything from the RINO Republicans at all, based on the way they dealt with Barack Obama. They allowed him to destroy and divide the races like no one else before in the history of America.

BB: Thank you.

JLP: They cannot be relied on.

BB: Thank you.

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