Police are investigating threats against the Orange Coast College instructor who was videotaped calling President-elect Donald Trump’s victory an “act of terrorism“.

According to the Orange County Register, psychology instructor Olga Perez Stable Cox temporarily left the State of California after receiving death threats. “Someone emailed her a picture of her house, with her address,” Rob Schneiderman, president of the Coast Federation of Educators/American Federation of Teachers Local 1911, told the Register. The email reportedly called Cox a “libtard, Marxist, hatemonger, nutcase” and said “her home address is now going to be sent everywhere,” citing a move that is known as doxing.

Cox, the union that represents her and the college have collectively received more than 1,000 emails, calls and Facebook comments – most of them critical of Cox — according to the Register. Cox delivered the remarks about Trump during her popular human sexuality class. In the video, which was published online by members of the College Republicans, she stated, “our nation is divided. We have been assaulted.”

According to the Register, in some of the emails was written, “People are watching you and your family beware the night cometh.” Another reportedly read, “Go out in the middle of the football field, pull out a handgun, put it to your temple and shoot yourself. Or better yet, douse yourself in gasoline and set yourself on fire.”

While students in the College Republicans club have been critical of Cox’s remarks in class, they condemned the threats against her.

Since that video was published a second one has surfaced, from the same class, showing Cox pushing more of her political views on her students and saying she will keep them safe from acts of racism and prejudice. In the video, she said she was pleased that Orange County voted Democrat for the first time in many years. “It is getting better,” Cox said. “Orange County is one of the most conservative counties in the nation, and the fact that we did vote Democrat says a lot, and it gives me hope for my neighbors and people in this area.”

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