A Democratic state assemblyman from California has announced a bill that would require the State Board of Education to develop a curriculum that will “ensure that all California students will learn about how the Russian government conspired to influence the United States Presidential Election to elect Donald Trump.”

In a statement about his pending bill, the “Pravda Act of 2017,” Assemblyman Marc Levine (D-Marin County) wrote, “The work of 17 intelligence agencies including the FBI and CIA confirmed Russian interference in our election. This is a threat to our democracy and must be treated with appropriate significance in American history.”

He added, “California is the largest textbook market in the nation. Textbooks approved in our state are used throughout the country. Through this legislation, we can make sure students in California and across the United States receive accurate information about the 2016 Presidential election.”

U.S. intelligence agencies have suggested that Russian hackers were involved in compromising several email accounts at the Democratic National Committee, and that of Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, with a view to releasing information that would help Trump win the election.

Among the more sensational findings were that Democratic Party officials had conspired to help Clinton defeat Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), and that CNN contributor Donna Brazile had passed debate questions to Clinton for that purpose.

However, there is no evidence that Russian hacking affected the voting process itself, as even President Barack Obama has admitted. Wikileaks, the organization that released the hacked emails, has also denied Russian involvement.

Levine’s bill aims at imposing a Democratic Party narrative on history taught to children — not an uncommon practice among California educators.

Breitbart News previously reported that shortly after Trump’s victory, a San Francisco-based teachers’ union released a controversial guide about how to teach public school children about Trump’s victory.

The “Lesson Plan on the November 2016 Election” reportedly informed teachers that “a racist and sexist man has become the president of our country by pandering to a huge racist and sexist base,” and suggests teachers tell children the same.

The lesson plan also urged teachers not to tell students that Hillary Clinton lost the election (original emphasis): “DO NOT: Tell them that we have LOST and that we have to accept this. We do not have to accept ANYTHING except that we must and will fight for justice against an unjust system and against unjust people.”

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