Although Silicon Valley CEOs are trying to forget their efforts to back Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, social justice start-ups are thriving in an effort to facilitate a “pink tea party” movement.

Because their firms dominate the $86.4 billion in federal procurement for information technology (IT) purchases, Silicon Valley CEOs used to contribute money on a fairly equal basis to both major political parties. But during the Obama administration and Clinton’s presidential campaign, Silicon Valley was dubbed “Valley of the Democrats” by the TechCrunch blog.

Breitbart News had reported that tech companies are trying to revive a non-partisan image, after President-elect Donald Trump “magnanimously” allowed top tech CEOs to visit Trump Tower to kiss his ring a month after the elections.

Despite American liberalism suffering the equivalent of a mass-extinction meteor strike by losing the presidency, both houses of Congress, two thirds of governorships and almost three quarters of the state legislatures over the past several election cycles, a gaggle of start-ups are pushing the social justice “reset button” in a grass-roots effort to reboot liberalism.

The blog reported that Oakland-based Countable has seen a spectacular 2,000 percent “Trump Bump” from 5,000 or 10,000 unique users a day prior to the elections to about 100,000 to 200,000 users today. Almost four months after the elections, the surge in volume has not begun to slow down.

Redwood City’s OpenGov has seen its Smart Government Platform™ software tool, which helps local governments provide financial transparency and public records access, enjoy a huge bump, to 1,400 public agency users. The company recently signed up the California Natural Resources Agency to provide access to nine state databases.

London and New York-based CrowdJustice, founded by ex-United Nations lawyer Julia Salasky, which described as Kickstarter for “public interest” litigation, has actively been soliciting Silicon Valley programmers in an effort to foil Trump administration initiatives through a barrage of well-funded social justice litigation.

In an effort to challenge the White House’s recent executive orders, for example, CrowdJustice crowd-funded $36,600 to file a Virginia lawsuit to allow two Yemeni brothers entry into the U.S. despite the recent travel ban, according to