Californians who have long fought illegal immigration are lauding U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s decision to sue their state over its “sanctuary” laws, despite backlash from state Democrats.

The U.S. Department of Justice filed a complaint on Tuesday that challenged three California “sanctuary state” laws under the U.S. Constitution’s Supremacy Clause. Those laws are SB54, HB 450, and HB 103.

Sessions traveled to California to give a speech to the California Peace Officers Association on Wednesday morning, during which he rebuked the state’s subversion of federal immigration laws.

“We believe that we cannot accept the kind of restrictions that California placed on federal law officers, and we believe that their actions exceeded the Constitution, and we will win in the courts eventually,” Sessions told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Wednesday.

The California grassroots organization “Fight Sanctuary State” jumped in to support the move by Sessions and the DOJ as Democrat state elected officials slammed the U.S. Attorney General.

“The repeated theme is that the people targeted are immigrants and law-abiding. The truth is they are neither,” said Fight Sanctuary State leader Don Rosenberg. “We have no problem with immigrants who want to come here and become citizens. Our problem is with those who first break the law to come here, then continue to break more laws. Our sanctuary state law has absolutely nothing to do with legal immigration.”

Rosenberg’s son Drew was killed by a foreign national who was illegally present in the United States.

The Defendants named in the lawsuit are the State of California, Gov. Jerry Brown, and California Attorney General Xavier Becerra.

California Gov. Jerry Brown accused the Trump administration of “basically going to war against the state of California” in the wake of the lawsuit.

Freshman California Senator Kamala Harris also hit back at Sessions and the Trump administration in an appearance on MSNBC, calling criticism of California “hypocrisy at its height.” In a tweet, Harris attempted to brand Sessions as a “bully.”

Fellow Fight Sanctuary State Leader Agnes Gibboney remarked:

I am incredibly pleased with President Donald Trump for keeping his word and putting Americans first. I am equally proud of AG Sessions for taking a stand against unruly and corrupt California politicians.

We have to show the nation and the world that legal, law-abiding people are now in control in our country. Illegal aliens cry for the cameras, worrying that their families will be separated. Real separation is what is endured by the Angel Moms, Dads and Families who had to bury their loved ones who were murdered by illegals. ENOUGH.

Gibboney also had a son, Ron, who was killed by an illegal alien.

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