A Georgia community is coming together to help a local family in need of a service dog to replace one that is aging and experiencing health issues of its own.

Lori Satterfield and her son Israel depend on their current service dog Riley to help Israel — “who is legally blind and suffers from seizures,” WGCL reported.

But Riley is getting on in age and has started to have his own health problems.

“He relies on Riley for so many things,” Satterfield said. “Riley is his constant companion.”

The entire community has shown support for the family, raising the thousands of dollars necessary to get another service dog, including the training, insurance, and equipment that comes with getting a service animal.

One person by the name of Carla Knight started a GoFundMe page called “Israel’s Journey to Independence,” raising more than $5,000 out of the fundraiser’s $20,000 goal as of Monday afternoon.

Another person set up a t-shirt fundraiser with shirts called “Israel’s Journey to Independence,” being sold on best shirts on Earth for $20 a piece.

There are also “Pura Vida” bracelets on sale for $10 each, with all proceeds benefiting Israel’s family. Those interested in buying a bracelet are asked to contact lpatterson@ellijay.com for more information.

“I’m a single parent. Yes, I’ve got a great job; the Lord has blessed me with that — but without the help of the community coming together, there’s no way I would be able to provide all his needs and a new service dog,” Satterfield added.