The Times of Israel reports: With an eye on October’s municipal elections in the Palestinian territories, the Hamas terror group has produced a slick video showing a supposedly prosperous Gaza Strip under its rule, featuring smiling people holding up signs with the hashtag “Thank you Hamas.”

Included in the video is an image of a metallic fist statue perched atop what appears to be an IDF armored vehicle. The fist clutches a replica of fallen soldier Oron Shaul’s dog tags. The tags bear Shaul’s army number — 6092065.

Shaul was killed in action during the 2014 Gaza war, and Hamas initially claimed it had captured him alive. He was subsequently pronounced dead by the IDF and Hamas has refused to return his body.

Gaza is widely reported to be a poverty-stricken territory constantly teetering on the verge of collapse. But the video paints a completely different picture, as the organization seeks to show Palestinians — in the West Bank as well as Gaza — its achievements since seizing power in the enclave in 2007.

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