Israel Defense Forces (IDF)

Legal, Military Experts Call to Reevaluate Term ‘Palestinian Civilian’ After Hostage Rescue Reveals Hamas Complicity

In light of the recent dramatic rescue of four Israeli hostages held by Palestinian civilians, a legal expert and military specialist are urging a reevaluation of use of the term “Palestinian civilian,” arguing that those participating in hostilities, such as hostage-taking and other Hamas crimes, lose their civilian status under international law.

A member of Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, military wing of the Palestinian Hamas movement,

IDF Approves Plans for ‘Offensive in Lebanon’

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has officially approved plans for an “offensive in Lebanon” against Hezbollah, the Iran-backed terror group illegally occupying southern Lebanon that has been firing at northern Israel since October.

Joel Pollak/Breitbart News

Urban Warfare Expert: Israel’s Lessons Learned in Gaza Will ‘Save American Lives’

Israel’s military lessons learned from battling Hamas in Gaza, amid diverse modern warfare challenges, are set to significantly improve U.S. military readiness and “save American lives,” according to retired United States Army major and urban and subterranean warfare expert John Spencer, who highlighted the strategic importance of adapting such insights to enhance American tactical responses and training protocols.

Israeli tanks move near Gaza border as Israeli army deploys military vehicles around the G