JERUSALEM (AFP) – Israeli tank fire targeted a Hamas post on the Gaza Strip border overnight after gunfire at Israeli forces in the area, with no injuries reported, officials said Sunday.

Palestinian security sources in Gaza run by Islamist movement Hamas, confirmed the post in the northern Gaza Strip in the Beit Lahia area had been targeted and said no one was hurt.

Israel’s army said it responded with tank fire after its forces were targeted by gunfire along the border between the Palestinian enclave and Israel.

Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza have fought three wars since 2008 and there are frequent flare-ups along the border.

Israel regularly responds to rocket fire from militants in Gaza with air strikes.

Last month, it carried out dozens of strikes in Gaza in response to rocket fire, a far larger response than usual.

Some analysts questioned whether the response was the result of a new approach by hardline Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who took office in May.