TEL AVIV – The Director of the Islamic Waqf, the body in charge of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, spread outright lies on Palestinian news Saturday, saying that Israel is staging “break-ins” in the Al Aqsa Mosque.

Azzam al-Khatib told Palestinian news that the break-ins are part of Israel’s attempts to escalate tensions at the Muslim holy site and that such infiltrations are illegal, unethical, and constitute a provocation to the feelings of Muslims, Arutz 7 reported.

He continued the conspiracy by claiming that Jerusalem, Al Aqsa and Muslims in general are facing “open war” against Israel as a result of the daily break-ins, ongoing taxation, and continued expulsion of Arab residents.

Khatib also reiterated the oft-repeated Palestinian libel that Jews are planning to destroy Al Aqsa Mosque in order to build the third temple in its place. Khatib said the plan was “the height of insanity” and would propel Muslims all over the world to an uprising.

“If they damage Al Aqsa Mosque, I assume that there won’t be a Muslim in the world who will remain with arms folded in light of the direct attack on this place of Muslim faith, Al Aqsa,” he said.

While the Temple Mount falls under Israeli sovereignty, the Waqf rules stipulate that Jews can ascend only at certain hours of the day and are banned from praying or openly carrying prayer books or other holy objects.