A Saudi man reportedly divorced his wife two hours after they got married because she sent wedding pictures on Snapchat, despite having specified in the marriage contract that she would refrain from using social media.

Soon after the wedding, however, the man noticed his wife sending pictures to her friends on Snapchat in violation of the contract and divorced her on the spot.

The man’s brother told Okaz, a Saudi newspaper, that the bride agreed to the clauses, which she violated.

“Unfortunately, my sister-in-law failed to meet her obligations and the result is what happened,” he said.

Some of the couple’s relatives supported the husband, and said that the wife paid the price for violating the marriage contract. Others said that it was an unreasonable demand, and that divorcing her, especially so soon after their wedding, was disproportionate.

The impact of social media on the lifestyle of Saudis was highlighted by another  case, in which a Sharia court is expected to rule on whether a divorce announcement on Snapchat is valid.

According to Islamic law, a couple is formally separated once the husband utters the word “divorced” three times. In this case, the man sent his wife a multimedia message on Snapchat telling her she was divorced.

He later wanted to withdraw the message, but his wife’s lawyer said they had already divorced. “Divorce is a very serious matter,” he told Okaz.