The Jerusalem Post reports: Heightened security will be in effect throughout the country during Yom Kippur Friday and Saturday, with an emphasis on Jerusalem and the Old City, as tens of thousands of Jews from across the globe converge at the Western Wall.

On Thursday, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said hundreds of officers will be on hand in and around the Old City to ensure the procession moves securely, and with limited delays. “Heightened security measures have been implemented all over the country, especially in Jerusalem, where thousands of people are expected to visit the Old City’s Western Wall area,” said Rosenfeld.

“Officers from several units, including special patrol, will be dispatched to all public areas throughout the country to prevent, or quickly respond to, any attacks,” he added. Additional security protocols will also remain in effect in and around Har Adar, where three security personnel were killed by an Arab terrorist from a neighboring West Bank village on Tuesday, Rosenfeld said.

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