(UPI) — At least eight synagogues across Canada received anti-Semitic notes in the mail this week, something Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said has “no place in our country.”

The letters, which read “Jewry must perish” and feature a swastika inside what appears to be a bleeding star of David, were sent to synagogues in Edmonton, Hamilton, Montreal and Toronto.

Police in each of the cities said they were investigating the letters, the Montreal Gazette reported.

“It’s all our responsibility, from politicians to journalists to citizens, to pay attention to rumours, to be vigilant,” Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante said during a news conference. “This is not who we are. We are a tolerant and inclusive city.”

Marty York, a representative of B’nai Brith Canada, a human rights organization, said the letter sent to Adath Israel Congregation in Toronto left members of the synagogue afraid for their safety.

“It was an eight on the frighten scale,” York told CBC Toronto. “But I’ve seen nines and 10s, all the way down the ladder, almost every day.”

“Sending my full support to the Canadian Jewish community. These recent acts of hatred & anti-Semitism have no place in our country and we will not tolerate it,” Trudeau said in a tweet Tuesday afternoon.