An ad run in New Hampshire on Thursday thanked embattled Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-NH) for keeping the southern border open to invasion.

“Thank you Senator Hassan for keeping the border open,” the ad reads in massive print in the Union Leader. “Sex traffickers could never succeed without friends like you.”

The ad was paid for by Citizens for Sanity. The group’s mission is “to return common sense to America, to highlight the importance of logic and reason, and to defeat ‘wokeism’ and anti-critical thinking ideologies.”

In May, more migrants illegally crossed the southern border than in any other month in Department of Homeland Security’s history, representing a 300% increase since May of 2021, according to the RNC’s research team.

Hassan, who is in a tossup race for reelection, has ignored President Biden’s “catch and release” policy in public relations videos. The term “catch and release” refers to the administration’s policy of releasing migrants throughout the nation while they await a court hearing rather than detaining them, as required by law.

“Our frontline personnel need significant, additional numbers, people, on the ground at the border. They need more technology. They need access roads and, in some places, they need physical barriers,” Hassan said at the border in April.

It’s not the first time Citizens for Sanity has published ads attacking Hassan. One ad in August thanked Hassan for “voting to keep predators out of prison. Jail is no place for violent criminals.”

Another ad thanked Hassan for “voting to provide pregnancy care to biological men. The special treatment for women must end,” the ad stated.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.