Tonight President Obama will be giving a speech with Iraq as a major theme and I have just two words that he really ought to include.

Thank You.

And that ought to be addressed to George W. Bush. He should man up and admit that he was wrong about every single thing he said about the Iraq War while he was in the Senate and he should thank President Bush for being resolute enough to ignore him, Hillary, Reid, Pelosi and the rest of the cut and run chorus. If we had followed the advice of then Sen. Obama, we would have lost the war and al Qaeda and the Iranians would be carving it up between them.

Now I don’t expect Obama to do this, but if he has the decency to at least mention President Bush and his contribution to the victory we achieved there I will gain a modicum of respect for him. The troops sure know who had their back and who was trying to stick a knife in it and no speechifying is going to change that. But he has the opportunity to show that he can learn and try to grow into the role of Commander in Chief. We’ll see.