I keep hearing from the left – led by none other than “the professor,” President Obama – “We are not at war with Islam, we are at war with al-Qaida.” The teleprompter just keeps prompting him to drone on regarding things about which he is clueless. (That would be about most everything Presidential.) I’m afraid he couldn’t organize a community if you told him how. Dude, uh Mr. President, I know when you were sitting at Frank’s knee, studying Sol, dreaming about daddy’s frustrated polygamist dreams, sharing an RC with old weathermen, listening to the hate rap of Jerry Wright and cavorting around Muslim grammar madrassas (schools), that you at least heard that Islam was based in Shariah law and that those of us other dudes and dudettes that didn’t subscribe to Islam were what you call your basic Infidels.

Now professor, Infidels are those people – that’s right – human type people – that the Prophet was told specifically by Allah to convert, subjugate and/or “slice their necks until their heads fall off.” News to you? There have been many years, even hundreds in a row, when Islam coexisted with non-Islam, but the message never changed. So now American Muslims are being discriminated against because the majority of us are offended by the idea of placing a mosque within yards of where several Muslims killed more people than the Japanese at Pearl Harbor. (NOTE: There is no Japanese Shrine at Pearl Harbor.)

History Lesson: Islamists spread the religion across the Arabian Peninsula from the time of his death in 632 A.D. all the way to southern France where the first Jihad ended in 732 A.D. with their defeat at Tours. During this, the first great Jihad, these folks placed Mosques on the symbols of their great victories. Jerusalem, at the Temple Mount, Cordoba over a demolished Cathedral, and Constantinople, to name the three most famous. And not so subtly now the New York mosque is named the Cordoba Center…… HMMM! It looks like even a casual observer could come to a conclusion that this mosque is a long middle finger held up at us by people who have been at war with everyone (who’s not Muslim, and some who are) since the Barbary Pirates reigned in Tripoli.

But Islam “coexisted” through the Middle Ages. Then, by “a re-interpretation,” Jihad became “struggle” rather than war, either an internal struggle of faith, or external struggle for societal improvement. Well then that old bug bit them again and the Ottoman Empire took off spreading “my way or the highway” Islam across the world, conquering Eastern Christianity’s stronghold of the day Constantinople, and most of the Balkan states, the second great Jihad. This one ended perhaps at the “Gate to Southern Europe” Vienna in 1529 just 12 years after Martin Luther tacked his points on the Castle Church at Wittenberg in 1517 beginning the Protestant Reformation. Or perhaps it ended some one hundred fifty years later at the bloody siege at Vienna. HOOAH Sobieski! The Polish King that defeated the Islamic attackers. Or, the second great Jihad ended when a Serbian lunatic named Princip shot Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914 touching off WWI. This is my choice.

We are now starting into the seventh decade of the third great Jihad which began on May14, 1948 with the Declaration by the world that the ground around Jerusalem belonged to the people to whom God ceded it, Israel. Islam is in full Jihad (the “bad” kind) and has been since that day. Osama bin Laden had not been born and al-Qaida didn’t exist. As my friend Lt. Gen. (R) Jerry Boykin says, “Islam is a totalitarian way of life with a religious component.” We are at war again with yet another totalitarian system, ISLAM that wishes to replace our government, subject us to their form of law and/or kill us. This time they riled us by bombing our financial center, our military headquarters, and attempted to perhaps take out our seat of government. The American left, however sees it as somehow our fault. Well most of us don’t see it that way and are still riled. The mosque is just another example of blindness of the obvious. The Japanese didn’t bomb Pearl Harbor either, right? It was just a militant power hungry Navy Admiral fundamentally misinterpreting the Emperors words (yeah, right). So, Little Barry Obama, you of all people, having been exposed to these people of war need wake the hell up! And wake that ignorant little uh, billionaire Bloomberg too.