Early this week, right after the shootings in Arizona, I wrote a piece about Arizona State Senator Linda Lopez’s comment on the shooter being an Afghan Vet (or so she heard, she said in a Fox interview). My piece asked for people to contact her office and let them know it was inappropriate, at best. Well, apparently, the Senator’s staff has sent out a note to some of those who took time (thank you!) to write to their office. From one reader, we get this:

“Shortly after the shooting of my closest friend I gave an interview with Fox News. As part of that interview, I wrongly reiterated some information told to me immediately prior to the interview that the suspect shooter in the Tucson attack was possibly a veteran of the war in Afghanistan. As we know now, there was a great deal of misinformation about not only the shooter, but also the status of the victims.

I am a staunch supporter of our brave men and women who serve in the military. I understand and greatly appreciate the sacrifices they make for our country each and every day they serve. My husband is himself a veteran of the Vietnam War. I also understand that many people were upset about the description of the shooter that I passed on. My statement in no way was a reflection of my feelings about our veterans or the people currently serving our country.

With that, I would ask that we continue to keep Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and all of the other victims of this horrific attack in our thoughts and prayers.”

While I applaud the Senator’s staff for taking the time to send this out, I must say it’s pretty weak- and nowhere, that I see, is there any kind of ‘excuse me’ or ‘pardon’ or ‘I’m sorry’. That is, would it have hurt to say something like- ”I apologize if my remarks were taken in the wrong context” or something. As someone who states they are a ‘staunch supporter’ of the military, one would think twice, maybe, before repeating such rumor or innuendo. Does she HAVE to be first out with the information? It appears so. Like she was trying to get the jump on someone.

Thanks, but no thanks, Senator. And if anyone in her district has anything that shows ‘staunch support’ I’ll print it here…