The awe-inspiring convergences of eternally American symbols and imagery in the seemingly sudden appearance of Herman Cain at the CPAC meeting?!

This is beyond God’s call for “Check!” to the American Progressives. Herman Cain is God’s call of “Check-Mate!”

Pair him with either Mike Huckabee or Sarah Palin and you have, in my intensely pro-Life opinion, the treasonously Progressive Democratic Party on the run.

Following their loss in 2012, many Progressives will be making Progress to somewhere in the European Union, neo-Soviet Russia or Red China and I will at last be visiting the United States from Canada for the first time in years.

Herman Cain’s presence in the White House would be a certain eight year replay of Ronald Reagan…Plus. I thought nothing less than Ronald Reagan could stop America’s surrender to the United Nations and this increasingly Marxist New World Order; then along comes Ronald Reagan Plus!

I have no doubt he should, at the very least, be a shoo-in as Vice-Presidential Candidate for the Republican Party.

If that does not come true, then my articles condemning America for her 38 year silence over the homicidal Roe v Wade decision of the Elitist’s Supreme Court are true and, indeed, America deserves another four years of the Obama/Soros Puppet Show.

“The attack of the -ations” – legisl-ation, regul-ation and tax-ation – such as “Healthcare Deform,” as Herman Cain declares, must end!

With Herman Cain on the Republican ticket the Progressive Race Card is, if not matched, rendered utterly irrelevant. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. himself is back as a Republican.

Entering and exiting with the gesture clearly indicating that he “has no tricks up his sleeve!,” Herman Cain outlines the suffocating policies that choke both small and medium-sized business.

“Too much legislation, regulation and taxation,” said with the sigh of national exhaustion, these words then lead him to the very call to arms that leaves us exultant: “Patriots don’t get tired. They get energized!”

“Stupid people are ruining America!”

Indeed, the Harvard graduates are, to put it politely, passing foul winds higher than the source of their exit!

“The objective of the Liberals is to destroy this country. The objective of the Liberals is to make America mediocre … mediocrity is not in America’s DNA!”

Isn’t that both the miraculous and deadly truth?

“This World Order stuff … they have three tactics … S.I.N … they Shift the subject; they Ignore the facts; and they Name-call!”

And as Cain announces to a CPAC tumult: “They didn’t get away with it! We noticed!!”

Lies … lies … lies … and unless you are “informed” you won’t see the lies. Those are my words as well as Herman Cain’s.

I just got off the phone with my black, Canadian, unofficially adopted son from the Caribbean. After seeing the Cain video, my son is unimpressed because he thinks Herman Cain’s too much of a salesman or his style doesn’t agree with my son or doesn’t sound authentic or … something like that.

I almost ripped the phone out of the wall.

This son – I have two – is a Canadian. Yet national health in Canada isn’t even enough health coverage for him. So Herman Cain’s description of Obamacare as “Health Deform” … well … these opinions obviously have nothing to do with race. It has to do with a sense of entitlement which Herman Cain does not have and my adopted son apparently does.

I am certain that Herman Cain’s answer to my black son is, “I does not care!”

However, as Mr. Cain has also said, “It is our right to disagree!”

“Stay involved! Don’t stay at home!”

My home will always be in Canada now that my Better Half has just become a Resident of Canada. Yet as long as Herman Cain remains involved in the 2012 Presidential Campaign about to happen in America, I am once again proud to be an American.

The dual citizenship means that I am now a full and complete North American and the words of Herman Cain, with my grandchildren both white and black in my consciousness, I hear these words of Herman Cain with exceptionally committed concern:

When your children are born, you focus on their future. When your grandchildren are born, you focus on the future of the nation. Ask any grandparent and they will tell you.

“Amen” to that, sir, from this grandparent and welcome to the race! You cannot help but win, even if some corner of the Republican Party wishes to remain “stupid!!”

Their stupidity was one of the main reasons I left America for Canada.

The truth is, and Herman Cain knows it, that their stupidity is the child and grandchild of their hypocrisy!