According to myth, because of his refusal to obey the Sphinx, Oedipus The King became a symbol of death and disgrace for everyone and everything he touched. After killing his father (patricide), he witnessed his own mother/wife’s suicide and then blinded himself.


With the image of a blind, tragic king in mind, America is definitely convulsing under a different type of patricide. As Oedipus did away with his father (to gain his mother as wife), Obama wishes to do away with our Founding Fathers, wresting their documents away from the original intent, and making them his own by reinterpretation.

President Obama himself basically led the most recent and profoundly unpatriotic charge against his homeland with this opinion of America’s Constitution. He began in 1989 with a highly complex view of the founding document which he and his fellow students at Harvard Law served up.

Then he spoke of “negative liberties” – how the Constitution tells you what the government cannot do.

The tragic flaw of pride and arrogance literally explodes from the contempt the President shows for his Presidential desk in the Oval Office (above), one built out of the timber of England’s great vessel, Resolute.

He showed similarly singular pride and contempt for Anglo-American relations when he sent a bust of Winston Churchill back to London.

The great leaders of the English-speaking people both in England and America?

They are obviously objects of scorn for President Obama.

This New American and his Third Millennium opinion of The Founding Fathers and Sir Winston Churchill?

It’s Oedipal, of course: the psychosis of enlightened despots and spoiled brats. Egos a deux all gathered around the tables of Harvard Law to look down on the Founding Father’s original vision of America and the very symbol of English/American alliance that has kept the entire Free World in the boundless blessings of Liberty.

The Obama memoir, Dreams from My Father, will inevitably lay the blame for the President’s revolutionary demons at the feet of his African father, whom he undeniably adores.

When the mess of Obama’s “fundamental transformation of the United States of America”, his patricidal defiance of the Constitution is completed, his own African father’s siren song of “Revolution” and its aftermath , as I’ve said many times before, will stand with the horrors of the French Revolution.

I doubt if I will still be on earth by then to see that national tragedy.

I certainly won’t be in America. I’m a Canadian resident.

Is one’s destruction of his own Fatherland a form of patricide?

Most certainly, and who, of all the Republican possibilities, is best fit to face the patricidal hordes that now not only roam in selfish protest on Madison, Wisconsin streets, but occupy the White House with mad crushes on the likes of Mao Zedong?

With the rising insanity in the Middle East and Madison, Wisconsin in particular, I am increasingly convinced that Representative Allen West and his eloquent rage at the likes of Nezar Hamze of CAIR, Council on American-Islamic Relations, is precisely what America and her Founding Fathers most need in response to the homicidal saccharine of both CAIR and the Harvard Law Progressive Despots who, indeed, with the help of the Progressive likes of CNN and CNBC are, as Lt. Col. West declared, “blowing sunshine up our asses!”

Lt. Col. West is the very walking, hot third rail our nation requires as an unflinchingly strong hand to extend to the entire, Red Islamic New World Order, the Communist Muslims of Jihadist Hara-kiri.

In short, our latter day General MacArthur.

The Lieutenant Colonel has nothing but the profoundest love and respect for the America of her Founding Fathers and put his life on the line in the Middle East to confirm that. His personal history is consistent with everything he projects in that video of him with Javier Manjarres.

This is the antidote to the virulent patricide running amok within the once-greatest nation in the world. Such contempt and hatred for one’s own homeland is, as I’ve said, unavoidably suicidal.

My own personal disillusionment with the United States can be dated from 1973 when the Supreme Court virtually legalized murder in its Roe v Wade Decision.

Should Lt. Col. West be paired with America’s greatest pro-life symbol, Sarah Palin, I have no doubt that my homeland could begin to come home again.


America will then and most undoubtedly be a “nation under God!”