Lincoln and Obama: Are comparisons compelling?

America’s self-image – as portrayed in the brilliantly tough script of James Jones’ novel, From Here To Eternity (see article From Here To Lt. Col. Allen West) – has been, I believe, criminally shattered by President Barack Obama.

The flagrant enemy of any enduring peace in America is unmistakably the Obama Nation’s campaign to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.” It is literally turning the entire world upside down.

It has resulted in Barack Obama’s “community organizing” and the “collective bargaining” of his philosophy and that of his New World Order Union Bosses. Such “Dreams From My Fatheras President Obama carries in his vision of the future, are Marxist. They are the exact opposite of what America, at her best, has always stood for.

A Second American Civil War has already begun with the standoff in Madison, Wisconsin.

In the tradition of America’s First Civil War, it is piercingly prophetic that President Obama had so publically, in Time Magazine of all places, begun his own self-promotion as the inheritor of Abraham Lincoln’s legacy:

What is it about this man that can move us so profoundly? Some of it has to do with Lincoln’s humble beginnings, which often speak to our own. When I moved to Illinois 20 years ago to work as a community organizer, I had no money in my pockets and didn’t know a single soul. During my first six years in the state legislature, Democrats were in the minority, and I couldn’t get a bill heard, much less passed. In my first race for Congress, I had my head handed to me. So when I, a black man with a funny name, born in Hawaii of a father from Kenya and a mother from Kansas, announced my candidacy for the U.S. Senate, it was hard to imagine a less likely scenario than that I would win–except, perhaps, for the one that allowed a child born in the backwoods of Kentucky with less than a year of formal education to end up as Illinois’ greatest citizen and our nation’s greatest President.

Here is clearly a replica, not of Lincoln, but of Senator Stephen Douglas,promoting abortion in the same way that Douglas, also an Illinois Senator, promoted slavery.

Obama…a Lincoln?!

No one could ever say that Barack Obama did not have the careerist’s genius for self-promotion.

Try this admission Of Barack Obama to “remaking” himself:

In Lincoln’s rise from poverty, his ultimate mastery of language and law, his capacity to overcome personal loss and remain determined in the face of repeated defeat–in all this, he reminded me not just of my own struggles. He also reminded me of a larger, fundamental element of American life–the enduring belief that we can constantly remake ourselves to fit our larger dreams. (emphasis mine)

Lincoln never “remade” himself. He educated what he always was: a man determined to at least stop the spread of slavery.

Here is where Obama’s arrogance knows no bounds, looking down on Lincoln’s hatred of slavery:

I cannot swallow whole the view of Lincoln as the Great Emancipator. As a law professor and civil rights lawyer and as an African American, I am fully aware of his limited views on race. Anyone who actually reads the Emancipation Proclamation knows it was more a military document than a clarion call for justice.

Lincoln is no longer the Great Emancipator but obviously the “fundamental transformer of the United States of America” is the Ultimate of Great, Worldwide Emancipators.

The greatest of double ironies is yet to come in this bizarre tribute to Abraham Lincoln. It begins with an admission of not only Stephen Douglas’s success at becoming an Illinois Senator but Obama’s own triumph as well.

A few weeks ago, I spoke at the commencement at Knox College in Galesburg, Ill. I stood in view of the spot where Lincoln and Stephen Douglas held one of their famous debates during their race for the U.S. Senate. … Waiting for the soon-to-be graduates to assemble, I thought that even as Lincoln lost that Senate race, his arguments that day would result, centuries later, in my occupying the same seat that he coveted. He may not have dreamed of that exact outcome. But I like to believe he would have appreciated the irony.

Would Abraham Lincoln have appreciated the double irony that President Obama, as a pro-abortionist and Marxist, is more like Stephen Douglas, the pro-slavery elitist, than he will ever prove to be like Abraham Lincoln?

I believe the soul of our 16th President of the United States might still be weeping at the endless tragedy of America’s enlightened yet irrepressibly contemptuous despots. Self-inflating, intellectual supremacists shoving the Progressive New World Order and its wholesale abortion industry down American throats. The American Civil War was fought to defend life and freedom, not promote abortion and the tyranny of State Capitalism.

However, the Supreme Court gave Americans the license to murder, the rights of infanticide contained in the Roe v Wade Decision, and Americans have felt free to indulge in one half million abortions per year! The Obama Nation and its growing control over individual freedom is obviously the price Americans must pay for their 38 year old, license to murder.

Perhaps America deserves the Obama Nation.

My pen pal, Paul Mountjoy, calls it “Americide.”

I can’t think of any better way to describe America’s bipartisan suicide.