Here’s a fascinating display of Chicago’s Hometown Dissent.

This clip of Louis Farrakhan verbally spanking President Obama climaxes with a truth no one on earth could disagree with:

Dissatisfaction in America has reached the boiling point!

Obviously, according to the leader of the Black Muslim Community, Obama has foolishly and naively entered the massively complex intra-mural dangers of the world Muslim community.

In other words:

All is not as it meets the eye

nor as the white world

would have you think it is!

Negotiations with Islam and their outcomes have never been reliable for long. Some corner of the Muslim World will always disrupt any agreement with the West.

I don’t think there’s really much disagreement between Radical Islam and Moderate Islam. It is Islamic Bad Cop/Good Cop.

The point this leader of the Nation of Islam is making?

Don’t put yourself so obviously on the side of Judeo-Christianity!

The “wicked demons”

of a basically white world

have manipulated Barack Obama

into attacking Libya.

The “Brother” President, according to Farrakhan, is making a big mistake!

“Regime change” is a dangerous, American Imperialist’s game for a black President to play within the Third World.

I am not so sure that the dangers Obama may have placed himself in by attacking Muammar Ghaddafi’s troops in Libya will come from, as Farrakhan says, the “White Militia”.

Straying this far outside the Muslim Camp has far greater and speedier consequences rising from within Islam than within those “wicked” and, I might safely add, hypocritical “demons.

In Farrakhan’s mind, Obama was black long before he became an American politician.

“Be careful

how you manipulate

the dissatisfaction in Libya

and in other parts of the Muslim world.”

While, at the same time, of course, we look over our shoulders at the “dissatisfaction in America” that has obviously, and in the eyes of all concerned, “reached a boiling point.”

As my regular readers know, the neglected issue of the legalized murder within Roe v Wade and pro-abortion Progressives is my only concern now.

Louis Farrakhan, as a Muslim, is unequivocally opposed to abortion.

He uses the word “sacred” to describe the Muslim world’s gestating infancy.

He could, if not Muslim, be a Catholic Priest speaking to his flock. That his flock is unquestionably determined to eradicate not only Israel but the entire non-Muslim world is equally undeniable.

There is no possibility of peaceful coexistence with the Muslim world since its Bad Cops are so indisputably, publicly and eternally committed to the use of violence not only against non-Muslims but against Muslims who “stray from the path.” No one knows that more profoundly than the soul of Malcolm X.

Furthermore, the so-called Moderate Muslims do not speak out against Radical Muslim Violence such as just happened in Itamar.

In fact a few applaud.

My adoptive Italian/Catholic mother sent me this video clip.

Although I found the subtitles hard to read at that speed – I’m older than even I think I am – I immediately thought of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

Those Resistance Fighters of Poland were people who just became fed up living in terror. They knew they would die regardless. It would be sooner than later, quicker rather than more days of submission to terror.

How long will The Terrorist’s Stalemate persist under the Obama Nation’s policies of “Peace Now?”

How long must a barren track of desert land be kept infertile, uninhabited and a lifeless wasteland? And how long will the threat of a nuclear annihilation by either Pakistan or Iran going to keep Israel more in love with a Peace of mere survival than the conditions of a reliable Freedom?

Meanwhile, as the Arab uprisings in the Middle East explode across North Africa and the personalities controlling the Arab world are changing daily, back and forth between the traditional tyrannies of Libya and Egypt to a possibly united Arab Caliphate?

A prayed-for, Islamic Third Reich?

I just learned, from his interview with Bill Maher that Washington’s most recent Islamic defender, Representative Keith Ellison, graduated from my Jesuit High School, the University of Detroit.

Now that is something to digest.

Between the Jesuit background of Bill Clinton at Georgetown and Rep. Ellison at my Alma Mater, U of D High School, I sense one of America’s former Presidents and a recently high-profile politician – one pro-abortion and the other pro Islamic – studied at Jesuit institutions in order to “know their enemy.”

“No,” our Most High Bubba might counter. “I’m not anti-Christian. I’m a Progressive Baptist.”

I know, sir. It’s the new and improved Christian brand called “Progressive” that bothers me.

It actually amounts to Hypocrite Christian.

Now that Progressives – Muslim or otherwise – clearly favor the larger religious nation of Islam over Israel – if only for the sake of a Progressive New World Order – I begin to wonder just how many Progressive Priests there are within the Society of Jesus, better known as the Jesuits.

“Go Cubs!” was and, I assume, still is the U of D High School cheerleading cry. Rep. Ellison’s echo of that invocation on The Bill Maher Show certainly brought back memories.

Obviously much has changed within the Jesuits.

That, of course, means that much has changed within the Vatican’s College of Cardinals.

Will the Progressive New World Priesthood succeed in having the next Pope of Rome be pro-abortion … or “pro-choice” as the Progressives have labeled it?

“The Catholic Church is not a democracy, Michael!”

I had gathered that quite some time ago. Recent, high-profile Catholics such as Vice-President Biden and Rep. Nancy Pelosi, however, are at the forefront of the Progressive Obama Nation.

Not too long ago, the Progressive Catholic, Nancy Pelosi, listened to Pope Benedict XVI’s lecture on abortion as if His Holiness were giving a concession speech to Pope Obaminus I.

Presently the Judeo-Christian Civilization is on trial for its exploding hypocrisy.

I don’t take Moderate Islam’s silence about Radical Islam’s violence as hypocrisy.

Those Muslims are either too frightened to speak out against the Radicals, agree with the Radicals silently or suffer from a combination of both.

Judeo-Christian hypocrisy, beginning with its Clinton/Obama/Biden/Pelosi/Giuliani support for a “woman’s right to kill her own child” because a “strict constructionist’s” view of the Constitution defends it?!

Muammar Ghaddafi’s most favorite comment upon the fall of the Twin Towers:

9/11 happened because of America’s hypocrisy!

Homicidal Islam is not a hypocrite nation. Says what it will do and does it!


because of that empire’s legalized abortion,

is the grandest,


and undeniably guiltiest,

perpetrator of homicidal hypocrisy.