Decisions, decisions…

Well, since the United States of America has never had a coherent policy or strategy for the region known as the Middle-East, it seems that President Obama is now faced with an opportunity of a lifetime. I have a good friend named Mike with whom I share stories, funny emails and great conversations. When we read the Darwin awards each year we talk about all the options each winner had before he or she made the decision that got him or her, the award for candidate for gene pool cleansing. Such an example is the decision tree that got Barry O to the “OK let’s let the French lead this operation and we’ll hang back and just help enforce a no fly zone.” Bone-headed, not thought out, decision for which the rookie President with an all rookie team of close associates (none of whom has ever had an actual job from which to gain experience) is famous.

The opportunity to affect the region for generations is at hand. Let’s look at options:

  1. “Shuttle Diplomacy” to secure a cease-fire and positive governmental outcome. Nixon had Kissinger; Reagan had Reagan; Clinton had that mega-brained, policy hound superstar of incompetence, J. Carter; and Barry has Hillary. Never mind, that’s out.
  2. What about BHO flying in, sitting down and outlining an exit strategy for Muamar that starts with letting him settle in The Hamptons. Nah!
  3. How about this? Recognizing that Islam has declared war upon us, they have and continue to attack us at home and abroad, declare war back. It just might be time to really go to war. I’m betting that three Brigade Combat Teams from the first Armored Division, three from the 82d, and three from the 2d Marine Division, and a French Foreign Legion occupation force could end the misery in Libya quickly. (remember Desert Storm, 100 hours of hell in the desert). Regime change could be accomplished placing a friendly face in charge like say Gen Petraeus, opening up the oil flow, and becoming a voting member of OPEC. After all the whining about war spending how about taking the shortest route to ending that spending. The Roosevelt doctrine, Libya First, then work east until all the corrupt America hating monarchies, tyrants and dictators are gone and the ideology of world domination ascribed by Mohammed himself is back on the shelf of history. Wouldn’t that be nice? Maybe not.
  4. The most likely course of action to be taken by this administration will be to do nothing until some clever political campaign slogan or platitude appears for the president to use as his mantra vis-à-vis Libya. After all ignoring the fact that Islam, including our “friends” from Saudi, is all about their own strategy; wipe Israel off the map; continue the holding action in Afghanistan and Iraq until the hated Infidels from the USA get tired of taking casualties and go home “winners.” Everybody gets a trophy!

There are tens of millions of Islamists, many of whom would blow themselves up in a heartbeat to kill an Infidel and they aren’t going away. But WE may well be if we stay on the path of “nothing matters but re-election.”