In his latest post on his Council on Foreign Relations blog, Middle East expert Elliott Abrams says “the Palestinian Authority is nearly broke and cannot meet its payroll… It is solely because Arab states are not paying up…”

It’s time the USA took its cue from the Arabs. After all, they know their neighborhood best. Since they created it, the Arabs understand better than anyone that a “Palestinian state” is a jury-rigged legend fabricated to be a thorn in Israel’s side – and they’ve concluded its quickly becoming more trouble and more treasure than it’s worth. To use today’s parlance, the Palestine meme is “unsustainable.” “Palestine” is approaching the end of its shelf-life, so why throw good money after bad? The pitiful irony is, the American foreign policy establishment, and its careerists like Abrams, take a “Palestinian state” much more seriously than the Arabs do themselves. Their jobs depend on it. And that’s why American taxpayers are left holding the bag.