On Monday we learned that President Obama felt he had no “choice but to cultivate [relations with] the Muslim Brotherhood and other relatively ‘moderate’ Islamist groups emerging as lead political players out of the Arab Spring in Egypt, Tunisia and elsewhere.” The message communicated was that the war on terror is over, that we’ve no reason to view every Islamist with suspicion, and that everything’s under control.

However, just one day later, calm was traded for urgency. And if it wasn’t on Monday, it’s become apparent that the U.S. is now in full retreat. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff made this clear when he  “ordered the entire U.S. military to scour its training material to ensure it doesn’t contain anti-Islamic content.” 

This order came in response to officer training materials that included the common sense statement: “Islam has already declared war on the west.” According to General Martin Dempsey and his deputy for training and education, Lt. Gen. George Flynn, such an assertion is “inflammatory” and not really what they want the military to be “talking about.”

In other news, Osama bin Laden openly declared war on the west in general and the United State in particular in years gone by. His followers pledged the same, as have myriad other Islamists. Perhaps Dempsey and Flynn don’t like to admit this, but putting our heads in the sand is only going to make it easier for these people to reach our necks when they come with their swords.

I hope Mitt Romney’s camp is watching this. Obama’s foreign policy is in absolute disarray.