While members of the Obama administration were busy apologizing to Islamists who were climbing our walls in Egypt, tearing down our flag and raising up their own, an outraged Charles Krauthammer warned on Fox News’ Special Report that the apology was “an embarrassment” and “a hostage statement.” He said it proved the Obama administration is fully trapped by political correctness.

He said the protesters were “a mob of Al-Qaeda sympathizers in Egypt [that] forced the United States into making an apology.”

Krauthammer said the appropriate statement to the mob would have been “go to hell.” And to that he would have only added: “The way America works, the way democracy works, is that everyone has a right to express themselves. We don’t police our speech. And you are to apologize to the United States for storming [our] embassy.”

Kudos to Charles Krauthammer, for saying what our President ought to have said.