President Obama is too busy to meet with Israeli PM Netanyahu, but he appears to have plenty of time to campaign in Virginia.

Obama left the White House at 10 a.m. Thursday to return at 2 p.m., all for one campaign stop in Virginia Beach. 

To put this in perspective, Obama is not simply a presidential candidate. He is also the current president; the former does not negate the latter. Yet instead of receiving world leaders and treating them with the respect befitting foreign dignitaries, presidents, and prime ministers, he is jetting around shaking hands and raising money for a slumping campaign.

And he is doing this as Prime Minister Netanyahu faces a crisis point in Israeli history. The Jewish state’s literal existence is at stake — facing threats of obliteration from Iran, while terrorist leaders from numerous rogue groups are promising to join the attack once the Islamic Republic starts it. Obama’s response has been a wait-and-see approach that includes meeting with David Letterman, Whoopi Goldberg, and numerous Hollywood dignitaries.

As long as Obama is president, Israel is on its own.