The Chinese government’s media arm, Xinhua, posted an online article about Barack Obama’s nomination of Senator John Kerry as US Secretary of State in which they offered only praises and no counterpoint.

The article, titled “Obama Nominates John Kerry as Secretary of State,” marks the second instance in one week of the Chinese state-controlled media offering support for the Democratic Party and its policies or intentions. The Chinese government shocked many US conservatives earlier in the week when it demanded the US government disarm its citizens.

Xinhua praised Senator Kerry’s key role in reducing the number of US nuclear warheads, quoting President Barack Obama for its readers: “I’ve appreciated John’s partnership in helping to advance so many of my foreign policy priorities, including the ratification of the New START treaty.”

The New Start treaty, officially named the Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, was signed April 8, 2010 and reduces the number of US nuclear warheads by half.

The government of the Peoples Republic of China, has sole control over the Xinhua News Agency. The agency operates under the Communist Party of China’s Propaganda and Public Information departments.