Secretary of State John Kerry confirmed to Fox News Reporter James Rosen on Tuesday that he visited an individual at Walter Reed who survived the deadly attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya. According to Kerry, the survivor of the attack is still at Walter Reed recovering six months later.

Rosen asked Sec. Kerry, “Why have we not heard from any of the Benghazi survivors?”  After a pause, Sec. Kerry responded, “Well, I–I mean, I can’t tell you the answer to that. I can tell you that I have visited with one of the survivors at Bethesda hospital, who is a remarkably courageous person, who is doing very, very well. And I’ve called his wife and talked to her.”

Rosen followed up, asking if the public will hear from them. Sec. Kerry only answered, “I can’t tell you…” before pivoting away from the topic.

Wolf has been calling on House Republicans to co-sponsor his resolution (H.R. 36) to have a House Select Committee investigate the Benghazi attacks and provide a venue for Benghazi survivors to tell their accounts without repercussions.

The Virginia Republican and Rep. Jim Gerlach (R-PA), a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, sent a letter to Sec. Kerry last Friday demanding the names and contact information of all State Department employees who survived the attack in Benghazi.

There are nearly 50 House Republicans who have co-sponsored Wolf’s resolution to create a House Select Committee on the terrorist attack on Benghazi.