This morning’s key headlines from

Bosnia commemorates the 1995 Srebrenica massacre

A Bosnian Muslim survivor of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, mourns a relative in a casket buried on Thursday (AFP)

Over 15,000 people attended Thursday’s commemoration of the 1995Srebrenica massacre. During the commemoration, Bosnia buried 409victims of the Srebrenica including a newborn baby. Srebrenica isconsidered the worst genocide in post-war Europe (See “27-May-11 News — Europe cheers the capture of Ratko Mladic, the butcher of Srebrenica”) At least8,300 Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) men and boys who had sought safe havenat the U.N.-protected enclave at Srebrenica were killed by OrthodoxChristian Serbs under the leadership of General Ratko Mladic. Mladicis still considered a hero by many Serbs, who say that no crime wascommitted, as he was just defending Serbs. Mladic coined the phraseextermination of the Bosniaks. Mladic’s genocide and war crimes trialin The Hague was suspended indefinitely in 2012. former Bosnian Serbleader Radovan Karadzic is also on trial in The Hague, facing 11charges related to genocide and war crimes.

Genocidal acts like the Srebrenica massacre are the core events ofgenerational theory. These genocidal acts, which occur as the climaxof a generational crisis war, are so horrible, for both theperpetrators and the victims, for both the victors and the losers,that both sides are traumatized for life, and they vow to spend therest of their lives making sure that nothing like that happens again.As the decades pass, there may be low-level violence, non-crisis wars,riots and rebellions, but nothing on the level of the genocidal actsthat climaxed the previous crisis war. Finally, the survivors of thatwar all die off, and there’s a new crisis war, climaxing in a new actof genocide, and the cycle repeats again.

People talk as if the Srebrenica massacre was unique since World WarII, but in fact there have been numerous genocides since then. Justto name a very few, there was the Cambodian “killing fields” genocideof millions in the late 1970s; there was the massacre of Palestinianrefugees in camps in Sabra and Shatila in 1982 in Lebanon; there wasthe massacre of the Tutsis by the Hutus in Rwanda in 1994; there wasthe Iran/Iraq war that climaxed with WMDs in 1988; there was theDarfur genocide of the 2000s decade, where the horrific climax is yetto come. And let’s not forget that Burma (Myanmar) is building up toa mass genocide of Muslims by Buddhists, as we’ve been reportingfrequently.

Despite attempts to make genocide “illegal,” and then to hold sillystrange. In fact, it’s as much a part of being human as sex is. Whenthere isn’t enough food to feed two nations, then they fight overexisting resources, often with the intent of each to exterminate theother. Genocidal warfare and wars of extermination are necessary forgenocidal warfare, human beings would not exist today. That’s thecycle of life. AFP and CS Monitor

Egypt’s opposing factions plan rival demonstrations on Friday in Cairo

It’s Friday again, and that means Friday midday prayers in Muslimcountries, after which mobs of people pour out of the mosques withplans either to go shopping or to hold demonstrations. On Friday, thefaction that opposed president Mohamed Morsi and his MuslimBrotherhood part will hold demonstrations in one part of Cairo, whilethose demanding a reinstatement of Morsi as president after his ousterwill be holding their own demonstrations in another part of Cairo.These rival demonstrations have led to violence in the past, the worstsuch incident being the deaths of 50 pro-Morsi demonstrators, mostlyfrom police live fire, on Monday earlier this week. All sides arecalling for peaceful demonstrations, and it’s hoped that a repeat ofMonday’s violence, or any violence, will be avoided. Al-Ahram (Cairo)

Paranoid Russian agencies are seeking old-style typewriters

Presumably a Russian agent typing on an electric typewriter (RT)

Russian agencies that guard president Vladimir Putin have ordered 20electric portable typewriters, and related ink and supplies, for atotal cost of $15,000. The typewriters must have both Cyrillic andEnglish letter keys, and must be delivered by August 30. Many peopleare assuming that this is a security measure triggered by the theft ofsecret information by Edward Snowden, who is presumably still holed upat the Moscow airport. The theory is that the Russians want to usethe typewriters for top secret memos and make sure that no one cansteal them electronically, particularly over the internet. However,Russia’s Ministry of Defense says that Russian agencies have beenusing typewriters for years, and that the new order for typewriters isto replace old equipment that was simply out of date.

Hey guys, you don’t need typewriters. Have your technicians take anordinary computer and remove all the communications hardware andsoftware and all the ports, and then install an old-fashioned printerport connected to a cheap printer. That should work. Russia Today and Spiegel

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