A.J. Dicken falsely claimed to be a former Navy SEAL in order to start a Nevada-based security firm, but he is actually a convicted felon who now faces charges over firearm possession. Dicken also claimed to be an “ex-CIA employee” and Medal of Honor recipient.

According to Fox News, when Dicken told people of his Navy SEAL service, he would also talk of firing the shot that killed Osama bin Laden. Those who heard him tell the story were captivated, saying Dicken was “charming” and “presented a face that kind of draws you in.”

People quit their jobs to work with Dicken and take positions in his security firm. Moreover, Dicken secured a $500 million-plus contract with “a United Nations-connected organization.”

In the end, he was found to be a “phony” after one of his proteges contacted a real former Navy SEAL–Senior Chief Don Shipley–who sniffed out the truth concerning Dicken. 

Said Shipley: “[Dicken] has a mental problem.”

Dicken now faces “gun charges in Nevada,” and possibly more.

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