GOLDTHORPE, England, Jan. 9 (UPI) —
Firefighters said an explosion that caused $3,300 in damage to a British home was likely caused by a can of deodorant punctured by a puppy’s jaws.

Kerry Leech, 20, and Mathew Heckler, 22, said they rushed to their Goldthorpe, England, home recently when they received messages about an explosion at their house and they arrived to discover the house surrounded by firefighters, the Mirror reported Thursday.

Firefighters told the couple the fire appears to have started when Zeus, their 6-month-old whippet mix, bit into a can of spray deodorant and left the punctured can next to the gas fireplace. The can ignited when a burner came on,

The damage was estimated at about $3,300.

However, the couple said Zeus, along with their two other dogs and three cats, made it out of the home unscathed.