Although Russian President Vladimir Putin has disavowed the presence or involvement of Russian troops in eastern Ukraine, the Mission of Ukraine to the EU has released photos showing troops carrying weapons that are characteristically Russian.

According to, the Mission of Ukraine to the EU has photos of troops in uniforms without insignia carrying RPG-30s – “in use only in Russia” and in production only since 2013.

Moreover, reports indicate that “separatists who occupied administrative buildings in [the] Donetsk region were armed with AK-100s.” These rifles “are used exclusively by the Russian army and special-ops.”

Other outlets, like, cite the “balaclava masks” worn by separatists as proof of Russian involvement: “The sheer fact of wearing a balaclava mask, in the current situation, means the person is foreign, because there is no one to hide your identity from in Ukraine.”

On April 16th Ukrainian troops in Mariupol repelled an attack by 300 attackers who were masked and “battle-ready.”

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