Ukrainian officials detained more than 130 people in Odessa after one of the deadliest days in Ukraine since the Euromaidan protests started in November 2013. On Friday, more than 40 people were killed in clashes between pro-Russians and pro-Ukrainians.

In a statement, local police chief Petro Lutsiuk said those detained could face charges ranging from participating in riots to premeditated murder for Friday’s street battles, which resulted in the city’s trade union building being set on fire.

Most of those killed either choked on smoke or died after jumping out of the building’s windows, officials said.

Journalist Howard Amos documented the clashes from start to finish and was at the trade union building Saturday morning where people mourned those lost in the fire and cleaned up around the building.

Two of the main opposition leaders made an appearance in Odessa.

But tempers are still high between the groups and fights broke out.

Ukraine announced the next three days are days of mourning in remembrance of the violence in Odessa. The pro-Ukrainians and pro-Russians are pointing fingers at each other, but as Amos points out, both sides were throwing grenades and Molotov cocktails. It is hard to determine which side is directly responsible for the trade union fire.