News of Thursday’s fatal crash which took the lives of all passengers on board (nearly 300 people) Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 dominated the front pages of newspapers internationally. 

Evidence from Kiev, in the form of intercepted communications, suggests that the surface-to-air missile which shot down the flight was administered by pro-Russian rebels using a BUK anti-missile system. President Obama has placed a bulk of the responsibility for what one newspaper headlined as a “Murder in the Sky” on Russian President Vladimir Putin.

A total of 80 children were among the innocent souls who lost their lives in the crash. Reportedly 198 of those on board the flight were Dutch nationals. The flight left Amsterdam, Netherlands, and was en route to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 

On March 8 of this year, Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 disappeared over the Indian Ocean. It has yet to be located. Here is a look at some headlines internationally regarding Thursday’s devastating MH17 missile-downed crash:

The Los Angeles Times: “Missile Downs Jet in Ukraine”

Star Newspaper in Malaysia: “MH17 Down: 295 Feared Dead in Crash”

Malaysia’s Sun newspaper: “MH17 Shot Down”

The London Times: “Blown Out of the Sky”

Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad (AD): “IN SHOCK: Astounding: Everything points to attack in downing of Malaysian flight”

New York Daily News: “Putin’s War: 298 Innocents Killed in Missile Strike on Plane”

Austria newspaper Kleine Zeitung: (rough translation) “Crash or Shot Down? The Mysterious Death to Flight MH 17”