A Twitter hashtag supporting a Palestinian terrorist has begun to trend on Twitter after thousands took to the social media outlet to use the hashtag — a play on another hashtag in support of victims of Islamist terrorism — to support an Islamist terrorist.

The French language hashtag #JeSuisCouteau has begun to trend on Twitter. The meaning of this hashtag is “I Am a Knife.”  It is a play on the #JeSuisCharlie messages expressing support for Charlie Hebdo after a dozen of its writers and editors were gunned down by Islamists in Paris.  The individual #JeSuisCouteau expresses support for is Hamza Mohammed Matrouk, a Palestinian who went to town on unsuspecting Tel Aviv commuters Wednesday, injuring 11 people with a knife.

Matrouk, who is now in police custody after taking a bullet in the leg, said he was angry about the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip and the continued presence of Jews at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. He had been watching “Islamist broadcasts praising the martyr’s ‘road to paradise,'” according to Israeli security officials, as quoted at Haaretz.  Evidently he was radicalized and weaponized fairly quickly, because his friends say he was “completely normal” and “was not known as an activist or supporter of any Palestinian political faction.”

Matrouk’s rampage was nevertheless praised by certain political factions, with Hamas saluting his attack as “brave and heroic.”  (Examples of his heroic bravery include stabbing the man who was busy trying to drive the bus in the liver and plunging his knife into a woman’s back as he ran down the street, following his hasty departure from the bus).

Even more difficult for the No True Muslim narrative is the popularity of the Twitter hashtag supporting Matrouk, where tweets are described by the UK Daily Mail as “often accompanied by illustrations which depict the Palestinian flag and a bloody knife.”

The popularity of the trending Twitter hashtag #JeSuisCouteau is puzzling, given everything we’ve been told by our political and media elites about the way Islam has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.  They’ve actually told us Islam is less friendly to violence than any other world religion.  If that’s the case, who are all these people posting enthusiastic messages of support under #JeSuisCouteau?

Among the choice selections reprinted by the Daily Mail are a cartoon of Matrouk as a whimsical, happily-grinning sprite waving his blood-dripping knife.  International Business Times translates the Arabic word balloon popping out of Matrouk’s toothy smile as, “Ten stabs for those who don’t pray for the Prophet!”

Another #JeSuisCouteau tweet is a picture of knives and hatchets arranged in the shape of an AK-47 above the message, “Announcing the knife revolution!”  Haaretz reports that another hashtag called #TheKnivesRevolution with similar content has appeared.  Perhaps it will also become popular enough to be considered a “trending” tag, as #JeSuisCouteau is, and our elites can set about explaining who all of these people are, if none of them are Muslim.