SAN DIEGO — San Diego residents found the wreckage of a Korean War-era fighter plane about a year ago and are just now revealing the details of their find and research to the public.



Since stumbling across the plane while diving the San Diego waters, partners Dennis Burns and Ruth Yu have taken the information they found on the sunk plane to research the story behind it and its pilot, according to an ABC 10 News report.

The two discovered that the plane, apparently an A-1 Skyraider piloted by Lt. Charles Kelly, had crashed during a training mission in 1953.

Lt. Kelly didn’t die in the crash. He served in WWII, subsequently reactivated and was recalled for Korea. He survived and lived until 1999.

10 News reported Burns’s reaction, speaking to what he and Yu learned through their investigation: “His wife is still alive and his son and daughter sent a ton of pictures, including one where he is dressed in a towel after he was rescued.” The two hope to have those relatives visit in the future and dive down to the wreckage with them.

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