Martin Mawyer, president of Christian Action Network and filmmaker, is releasing a new documentary Tuesday April 21st titled Europe’s Last Stand: America’s Final Warning.

The film documents Islamists’ plans for domination over first Western Europe and then America.

The idea for Mawyer’s documentary came from former FBI agents who caught his attention. Mawyer said they were discussing how they believe Western Europe could fall to radical Islam within the next 10 to 20 years.

“I got caught up listening to their conversation as they spoke about the mass flow of immigrant Muslims into Europe, the presence of Islamic ‘no-go zones,’ weak political leaders and the silencing of Islamic critics,” Mawyer explained.

He said that to believe Muslims could dominate Western Europe in just 10 to 20 years didn’t seem plausible.

“After a few months of delving into the predicted demise of Western Europe, it seemed the only way to get at the truth was to travel to Europe and investigate the story first hand,” Mawyer added.

After his research, Mawyer concluded radical Islam can and will take over Europe and the United States within the next 20 years unless it is stopped.

“Radical Islam has thrown off the sheepskin and is rampaging throughout the world like a pack of ravenous wolves, devouring everything in sight,” said Mawyer.

During Mawyers travels he spoke with Sen. Philippe DeWinter, a member of the Belgium Parliament.

Mawyer said DeWinter warned him, “What’s happening now to Europe will happen to America, too. It’s only a question of time. If Europe disappears, if Europe becomes a Muslim continent, that means the United States stands completely alone. Europe is in danger. That means we all have to fight back.”

Mawyer also caught up with Senator Enrico Pianetta from Italy on whether or not Europe could win the battle against radical Islam without America’s help.

“We cannot lose this battle,” Pianetta stressed to Mawyer. “We can only hope that there is a strong relationship between Europe and the United States of America, because we are facing the greatest challenge ever against the values of the West.”

Europe’s Last Stand demonstrates what Mawyer refers to as “the Five Pillars of Islamic Conquest” — revealing the Islamist strategy to dominate Western Europe.

The documentary is available in two parts April 21st on Amazon. The trailer is available here.