Prime Minister David Cameron said on Monday he wanted Britain to carry out air strikes against Islamic State militants (ISIL) in Syria but still needed to convince more MPs to back such action.

“I have always said I think that it is sensible that we should, ISIL don’t recognise a border between Iraq and Syria and neither should we but I need to build the argument, I need to take it to parliament, I need to convince more people,” Cameron told BBC radio.

“We won’t hold that vote unless we can see that parliament would endorse action because to fail on this would be damaging, it is not a question of damaging the government it is a question of not damaging our country and its reputation in the world.”

Britain is involved in bombing in Iraq but Cameron lost a parliamentary vote in 2013 to extend that action to Syria.

However, Cameron said he would take immediate direct action if British interests were at stake citing drone attacks which had killed British militants in August.

(Read more from Reuters here)