TEL AVIV – On his way to Israel, Jewish businessman Shlomo Rechnizt bought meals worth $50 each for 400 American troops during a stopover in Shannon airport, Ireland.

The airport was filled with soldiers eating army meals out of paper bags when Rechnizt entered. Rechnitz approached the commander and requested to treat all of his soldiers to a proper meal.

The commander initially declined but Rechnitz was persistent, so at the latter’s behest the commander told his troops that they could eat in any of the terminal’s restaurants for up to $50.

When the soldiers had finished eating, the commander asked Rechnitz to share the reason behind his gesture.

In a video which has since garnered well over 300,000 views on YouTube, Rechnitz explained that his reason was that the soldiers risk their lives to protect him and his family.

“That’s something that makes me proud,” said Rechnitz. “I just wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Watch the video here: