A British Islamic State militant has created an e-book full of helpful advice for young jihadis, including tips on how to tell their parents they have decided to join ISIS.

The Foreign Desk reports the book, entitled Advice for Those Doing Hijrah, was written by Abu Sa’eed al-Britani, aka Omar Hussein, also known as the “Supermarket Jihadi” for the job he held in the U.K. before joining ISIS. Hijrah refers to a holy journey, in this case the young reader’s sacred journey to join the ISIS “caliphate.”

“The document, organized by a table of contents, includes everything from learning first aid, keeping physically fit, learning Arabic to all kinds of advice for newcomers on preparing for their trip,” reports The Foreign Desk.

There is a special section of advice for women, including al-Britani’s assurances that women can violate the Islamic laws against traveling without the required male companionship for the holy purpose of joining the caliphate.

As for that important advice to underaged militants about how to clue Mom and Dad in on their new lives as murderous savages, al-Britani wisely suggests keeping it quiet until the young recruit is safely in Syria.

“Although your parents are the closest of people to you, you do not want to jeopardise your hijrah by telling them where you are going,” he explains. “There are two options you can have either inform them when you are on the borders of Turkey and Sham about to enter or once you are here in Sham. Both have their pros and cons, and one can decide for himself when they wish to tell their parents.” (Sham is another name ISIS uses for its territory.)

Al-Britani tells young recruits to trust only a few older people who can provide money and other assistance for the journey to jihad, and touchingly suggests they take “a last look at your parent’s faces” before departing for the caliphate, “so you will always remember this once you are here.”

If the youthful targets of ISIS brainwashing think their life in the caliphate will allow them to escape all those rules and chores their parents hassle them with, they should think again. The Supermarket Jihadi’s most notorious previous publication was a fiery rant against “rude, angry, messy, lazy” Arabs. Among other things, he criticized their childish behavior and poor table manners.

He has also offered Muslim girls advice on how to catch the eye of a jihadi and reel him in for marriage, in a monograph entitled “Hijrah Advice for Sisters Marrying Mujaahideen from Twitter.” Young women who want to know what actually happens to “sisters” who marry into the caliphate would be well advised to study the story of Samra Kesinovic.