A group of Navy SEALS were forced to return from a hostage rescue mission in Afghanistan after President Barack Obama failed to approve their operation while he was on vacation on Martha’s Vineyard.

According to sources speaking to Ami Newswire, the special operations force traveled swiftly to recover two hostages, but were ordered to stand down because Obama did not have time to approve the mission.

Obama approved the mission a day later, but when the special forces team returned, the hostages had been moved just four hours earlier, according to the report.

The two civilian hostages are English teachers: United States citizen Kevin King and Australian citizen Timothy Weeks.

Details of the aborted mission were first reported by Fox News followed up by the Washington Post. Ami Newswire also interviewed sources with additional details about the mission.

Administration officials have offered additional details citing various layers of bureaucracy, but the mission still failed.

The missions took place Aug. 10 and 11, in Afghanistan, according to Ami Newswire, both days that Obama spent a large part of the day golfing in Martha’s Vineyard.

On August 10, Obama golfed from 10:30 a.m. – 3:19 p.m. at Vineyard Golf Club and on August 11, Obama golfed from 12:57 p.m. – 5:39 p.m at Mink Meadows Golf Course according to White House pool reports.