ADDS THAT AFTER A RECOUNT OF VOTES MAYA FERNANDEZ ALLENDE DIDN’T WIN LOCAL ELECTION – In this Nov. 6, 2012 photo, women who won local elections, from left to right, Carolina Leitao, of Penalolen, Maya Fernandez Allende, of Nunoa, Carolina Toha, of Santiago, attend an event calling for more women to participate in public office in Santiago, Chile. Fernandez Allende has escaped political tragedy of four family suicides, including her grandfather Marxist President Salvador Allende who shot himself when he was ousted in a bloody coup. The revival of the Allende dynasty is on the line after a recount of votes at the National Stadium, the same place where dozens of leftist dissidents where tortured and killed after her grandfather was ousted. Maya Fernandez Allende lost her first major political race Tuesday after a recount, the electoral committee said. (AP Photo/Luis Hidalgo)