Because of the resignation of Hillary Clinton from the U S Senate and the subsequent appointment of Kirsten Gillibrand, both of New York’s U.S. Senate seats are on the ballot this fall. While most of the focus has been on a potential dust up between the Junior Senator and former Congressman Harold Ford, Jr., no one has emerged as a potential candidate to oppose Senator Chuck Schumer, who’s campaign coffers contain more than $30 million.

But a candidate might emerge. New York Tea Party leaders are talking up the potential candidacy of CNBC Talking Head and former Reagan Advisor Larry Kudlow. A graduate of the University of Rochester, Kudlow is one of the architects of the Reagan tax-cuts that sparked one of the great economic boom in modern times. Kudlow who also worked for New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, is recognized as a leading anti-tax supply side economist. Kudlow is also know as one of the most effective debaters on the Right.

Kudlow is known to have beaten an addiction to cocaine which almost derailed his career. Kudlow was addicted to coke and he beat it, Schumer is addicted to special interest campaign contribution and that’s a bigger problem today. Kudlow is the kind of candidate who could raise tea party money across America . Kudlow could also command the Republican and Conservative nominations and might even be able to petition his way on the ballot as the Libertarian party nominee.

Kudlow was mentioned as a possible candidate against Chris Dodd last year. Kudlow owns a home in Connecticut.

Chuck Schumer is a corporate whore who was whole-hog for the expansion of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and is as responsible for the sub-prime mortgage crisis as anyone in America. Now he has crowned himself the King of New York, deciding who can and cannot run for public office. More and more New Yorkers are fed up with this self-serving schmuck.

Run , Larry, Run !