Just when you thought the left-wing race baiting over the last year couldn’t get any worse, the Communications Workers of America chief honcho Larry Cohen has sunk to new depths attacking those who do not agree with his socialist agenda.

On Wednesday, the NAACP, in continuing its unfounded “racist” accusations of the Tea Party movement, had a conference call on which the CWA President participated.

According to Big Journalism writer Niger Innis, after the NAACP’s Ben Jealous continued his normal the-tea-parties-are-racist-harangue, his little buddy at the CWA threw the rhetorical grenade out on the call:

The most illuminating part of the call came when “progressive” ally, Larry Cohen of the CWA (Communication Workers of America) revealed the real agenda of the attacks on the Tea Party by the Left, “We disagree with the agenda of the tea party Movement… They advocate slavery,” and this classic gem, “We don’t need 19th century capitalism.”

The Washington Post’s Dana Milibank also wrote about the conference call:

On the conference call, Communications Workers of America President Larry Cohen tried to make the case that the Tea Party’s economic policies, too, are evidence of “hate” in the ranks. “It’s an economic agenda that is hateful against workers,” he reasoned. “Most of the proponents that we’re talking about in this report also renounce things like minimum wage and collective bargaining rights…. Whether it’s glorifying slavery or glorifying a managerial system where workers have no voice, the Tea Party is a throwback.”

Slavery? Really, Larry?

For a union that advocates effectively removing workers’ right to vote on unionization, as well as locking employees into contracts without their ability to vote or retaining their right to strike (see Employee Anti-Choice Act); for a union that enjoys laws that force workers to money to the union or be fired from their jobs; for a union that has threatened and fined members for exercising their freedom to continue to working during strikes; for a union that has had one of its own local officers allegedly encourage beating members –saying that the tea parties want slavery is a little hypocritical isn’t it, Larry?

Do you really want to open this can of worms, Larry?

Because, if you do, Larry, here’s just a few examples for you:

These are just a few published Court, NLRB, and media stories of what your union has done to people, Larry (names withheld out of courtesy for the victims):

  • CWA fined a woman $1539.50 for working during a strike
  • CWA fined a woman $1554.47 for working during a strike.
  • CWA fined a woman $1121 for working during a strike
  • CWA fined a woman $911 for working during a strike
  • CWA fined a woman $790 for working during a strike
  • CWA fined a woman $1379 for working during a strike
  • CWA fined a woman $838.09 for working during a strike
  • CWA fined a woman $1161.50 for working during a strike
  • CWA fined a woman $1248.38 for working during a strike
  • CWA fined a woman $1272.50 for working during a strike
  • CWA fined a man $1589 for working during a strike
  • CWA fined a woman $1308.50 for working during a strike
  • CWA fined a man $119.50 for working during a strike
  • CWA fined a man $749 for working during a strike
  • CWA fined a woman $1308.50 for working during a strike
  • CWA fined a woman $1200 for working during a strike
  • CWA fined a man $2000 for “dual unionism” (supporting another union to replace the CWA)
  • CWA fined a woman $2000 for “dual unionism” (supporting another union to replace the CWA)
  • CWA fined two members for working mandatory overtime, prior to a strike.

And you surely don’t want to talk about the CWA kangaroo courts, do you, Larry?

A clerical worker who crossed the picket line during last year’s strike at the Summit County, Ohio, Children Serv. Bd. (CSB) has been found guilty in a union trial and fined $27,496.65. Almondine Poole is one of 38 crossers who stood trial over the past two Saturdays. All the defendants have been found guilty and fines range from $3,000 to $39,000, based on salary and overtime earned during the five-month strike.

Larry, if you really believe the the tea party’s are advocating slavery (as you allege), what is it that you’re advocating?


“I bring reason to your ears, and, in language as plain as ABC, hold up truth to your eyes.” Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776