Most Americans learning of Saturday’s tragic events in Arizona were shocked and saddened by the violence and senseless murders. Anyone witnessing the political left’s predictable finger pointing and hypocrisy toward the tea party since then became accustomed to these shameless tactics long ago. Yet liberals, with their accomplices in the mainstream propaganda media, are using the tragedy in Tucson to begin a new national dialogue about the dangers of tea party “heated political rhetoric” in a sad attempt to slow the growth and power of the movement.

This week, tea party leaders across the country are being besieged with requests for media interviews to discuss the political rhetoric of conservatives. Once again, tea party patriots will be forced to defend themselves against false accusations from the left. A national discussion on political rhetoric was not the topic the leftist propaganda machine at first desired. Before the last bullet casing hit the ground in Tucson Saturday, leftists were blaming the shooting on a tea party member and Sarah Palin.

Oh, how the left so wanted the killer in Arizona to be a member of the tea party movement! They would have found the recipe to finally stop the movement that is destroying their big government political agenda. After all, all other liberal attempts to stop the tea party have failed. Calling the early tea party “Astroturf,” or pawns of the Republican party never caught hold. Neither did Janet Napolitano’s warning in April 2009 of the dangerous “right-wing extremists” in the tea party movement. It’s difficult to be frightened by silver-haired grandparents silently cleaning up the grounds after a protest at City Hall.

The left’s lie that tea party leaders were on the payroll of rich Republican billionaires didn’t hold water either. Neither did the left’s tried and true tactic of dropping the race card on the tea party work in halting the movement. Even having black Congressmen lie and shame themselves in front of America by inventing racial incidents failed. So the feigned outrage we see over the shootings in Arizona are merely the latest attempt to silence the tea party. We can only imagine the disappointment that ran through the ranks of the left when they found the killer was one of their ideological brothers.

The mainstream propaganda media now seeking answers on the tea party’s heated rhetoric has hypocritically ignored every instance of over-the-top rhetoric coming from the left. Calls for, and even a movie, for the assassination of President Bush were ignored by the left and their comrades in the media.

Sarah Palin has been a target of every malicious form of vitriol known to man since stepping onto the national political stage. Yet, none of this has warranted a story from the mainstream media. Even a Muslim terrorist that shot and killed 13 Americans at Ft. Hood while screaming Alihu Akhbar commanded more leniencies from liberals than tea party conservatives. After the Ft. Hood massacre, Americans were warned repeatedly by our President and other liberals not to “jump to conclusions” that radical Islam may have had a part in the shootings. What does it say of the left when Muslim terrorists are given the benefit of the doubt while the tea party is falsely accused?

What disgusts me most is the use of the Arizona tragedy for political capital by the left. They show no decency or respect for the victims when real lives in Arizona have been lost or forever altered. Shame on the left! One must only speculate if liberals are capable of feeling shame?