Barack Obama and the U.S. government have called for a “peaceful transition” in Egypt, in response to massive protests, riots and escalating anarchy. But I wonder if President Obama is taking notes? I wonder if he realizes just how close America is to facing a similar crisis that could result in riots, revolt in the streets, and economic paralysis. I wonder if President Obama would act much different than President Mubarak in Egypt. So far, small signs hint that Obama might turn out to be just as intolerant to dissent as Mubarak.

Think it couldn’t happen here? Think again. Let’s review the economic crisis that America faces at this very moment. Just in the days since Obama’s State of the Union speech there have been numerous signs that the U.S. faces an economic Armageddon. Dark storm clouds are fast approaching:

Can you imagine that all of this toxic news has occurred in only the few days since Obama’s State of the Union?

Our economy, our country, and global conditions are deteriorating faster than any expert imagined. The threats we face are unprecedented. Although they are running the presses 24/7, our Fed can’t print money fast enough to keep up with deteriorating conditions.

Our “real” U.S. unemployment may in fact be close to 20%. Among youth and minorities unemployment may be well over 30%. For the first time in modern history, there are few jobs for millions of new college graduates, while they each face education debt of $100,000 or more. There are seemingly no jobs at all for minority youth without college educations. All at the same time that prices are exploding for basic essentials. Sound familiar? Those are the exact same incendiary ingredients that led to revolt, revolution, and anarchy in Egypt.

So how will President Obama react to massive protests, riots, and revolt in the USA? Will he choose to shut down the Internet? He criticizes Mubarak, yet Obama is already asking Congress for the authority to do just that (without judicial review). Will Obama cut off access to Facebook and Twitter? Will he try to shut down talk radio and FOX News? Obama and his Democratic allies have already suggested doing that (before a true crisis) with “The Fairness Act.” Will Obama attempt to ban guns? He has already come out strongly in support of gun control or bans on numerous occasions before he was even elected President. Will Obama call in the military to contain the riots of unemployed, hungry, angry youth here in America’s biggest cities? Will he allow free speech — even if massive protests call for Obama to step down?

Is Obama taking notes in Egypt? He had better. Because Egypt’s crisis could eventually be coming to a city near you.