Remember when President Obama signed into law The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as ObamaCare, surrounded by grinning Democrats? Before approaching the podium, Vice President Joe Biden whispered to Obama, in a gaffe picked up by open microphones, “this is a big @$#*ing deal!” Naturally, Biden was wrong.

Today, US District Court Judge Roger Vinson decided ObamaCare wasn’t really that much of a big @#&*ing deal after all. Judge Vinson, a Reagan appointee (may peace and happy birthday be upon the Gipper), found ObamaCare violated the commerce clause in the Constitution by creating an individual mandate forcing Americans to purchase health insurance.

Judge Vinson wrote:

“Because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire act must be declared void. This has been a difficult decision to reach, and I am aware that it will have indeterminable implications.”

Judge Vinson even used President Obama’s own words against him:

I note that in 2008, then-Senator Obama supported a health care reform proposal that did not include an individual mandate because he was at that time strongly opposed to the idea, stating that ‘if a mandate was the solution, we can try that to solve homelessness by mandating everybody to buy a house.'”

Monday’s decision can only be viewed as great news for states and should encourage more anti-ObamaCare legislation and lawsuits. Over half of US states have already filed suits to halt ObamaCare on its anti-Constitutional encroachments. Others states have passed legislation that prohibits the federal government from forcing ObamaCare on their citizens. The judgment today is also a huge opportunity for states to drastically slow preparations for upcoming ObamaCare mandates. Since Judge Vinson stayed his decision because ObamaCare does not become active until 2014, the final decision on its constitutionality will come from the Supreme Court. However, this is the second ruling by a federal judge against the big government takeover of America’s healthcare system.

Vice President Biden was wrong. It was not the passing of ObamaCare that was a big @#&*ing deal. It was the arrogance of Democrats in forcing ObamaCare on Americans that was the big @#&* deal. Did Democrats forget the anti-ObamaCare message of angry voters at town hall meetings with constituents just months before they voted? Or did they simply not care what voters wanted?

Today’s ruling reinforces the will of the people which believes the federal government should not totally control the greatest health care system in the world. The massive defeat of Democrats in the November election can be directly attributed to the audacity of audacity by Democrats in ramming an unwanted healthcare takeover by the federal government down the throats of angry voters.

As a tea party leader, I believe the passing of ObamaCare grew and strengthened the movement more than the disastrous $786 Stimulus bill. Americans are accustomed to politicians spending too much money but took to the streets, town hall meetings and voting booths as never before to oppose the government takeover of their healthcare system.

The Supreme Court will surely confirm rulings that find ObamaCare unconstitutional. If allowed to stand, imagine what lunacy would follow from Washington? Would they require me to buy an electric car and give up my pick-up? Now that would be a big @#&*ing deal!