The Progressive left is in full attack mode against Glenn Beck for his assertion that what’s happening in Egypt is not about democracy, rather it is about re-establishing a Muslim supremacist Caliphate.


Middle East unrest according to Glenn Beck and friends

Media Matters

Yes, Tantaros, “Lunatic Theories” About Egypt Have Aired On Fox

Business Insider

Chris Matthews: Glenn Beck Is Today’s Number One ‘Exporter Of Fear’

US News and World Report

Glenn Beck’s Egypt Protest Theories Show He’s Finally Lost It

Media Matters

In Egypt Protests, Beck Sees … A New Islamic Caliphate And Communist Revolution?

Sad. Even these leading progressives don’t read the Washington Post! From 2006:

Come the caliphate

Saturday, January 21, 2006

The idea of restoring the body that governed and united the world’s Muslims for more than 1,000 years is beginning to resonate again. Karl Vick explains. The plan was to fly a hijacked plane into a national landmark on live television. The year was 1998, the country was Turkey, and the rented plane ended up grounded by weather. Court records show the Islamic extremist who planned to commandeer the cockpit did not actually know how to fly.

But if the audacious scheme prefigured September 11, 2001, it also highlighted a cause that, seven years later, President George W Bush has used to define the war against terrorism. What the ill-prepared Turkish plotters told investigators they aimed to do was strike a dramatic blow toward reviving Islam’s caliphate, the institution that had nominally governed the world’s Muslims for nearly all of the almost 1,400 years since the death of the prophet Mohammed.


Al-Qaeda named its Internet newscast, which debuted in September, The Voice of the Caliphate.

Yet the caliphate is also esteemed by many ordinary Muslims. For most, its revival is not an urgent concern. Public opinion polls show immediate issues such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and discrimination rank as more pressing.


But while Turks won self-rule, most of the former caliphate was divided among European colonial powers. One Arab scholar called it “the division of Muslim lands into measly pieces which call themselves nations.”

This is what inspired the group most directly focused on the push for a new caliphate, Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT), or Party of Liberation. The group, which claims to be active in 40 countries, began in 1953 as an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. But while the Brotherhood, which also favors a caliphate, embraced realpolitik, growing into a potent opposition force in Syria and Egypt, Hizb ut-Tahrir charted a more subversive path.

In all seriousness, these Progressives are smart enough to know that the Islamist Supremacists want to establish a new Caliphate. Why then are they running interference for the Brotherhood, who by it’s own admission wants to create a global Muslim supremacist Caliphate?

Also, anyone else notice how many “offshoots” of the Brotherhood have made it their mission to slaughter the infidel wherever they live?

The article quoted above is behind a pay per view firewall, but you can access it here for free. Read the whole thing.