The National Labor Relations Board continues to prove that the NLRB was established for Big Labor and Big Business while leaving employees out of the process. In complete arrogance, the NLRB has told South Carolina employees and their families that NLRB’s General Counsel Lafe Solomon’s plan to shut down Boeing’s South Carolina factory and eliminate jobs is none of their business.

As the National Right To Work Legal Defense Foundation press release put it: “Obama NLRB to South Carolina Boeing Employees: ‘You Have No Stake in Your Jobs'”

Furthermore, the NLRB ruled that it was no one else’s business because it has chosen not to allow any amicus curiae briefs to be filed.

The Machinists union also scornfully rejected the employees’ concerns. Both Solomon and the Machinists argued that the case that Solomon has brought against Boeing is “. . . already complicated” and listening to employees’ concerns would only ” . . .complicate an already complicated proceeding.”

While the NLRB hides shamelessly behind the complications of the case, it fails to take responsibility for creating this unprecedented contorted legal argument that produced the complications that it claims prevents employees from having a say about their futures. This Big Labor powerplay that tramples on the livelihoods of South Carolina workers provides yet another reason for the Senate to reject Obama’s currently stalled appointment of Solomon and for voters to reject Obama in 2012.