Since the modern tea party movement began February 27th, 2009, leftist ideologues in both political parties have tried to halt the movement. Their tactics are as predictable as they are weak. Their weapon? Name-calling.

Why must the supposed elites in the progressive movement resort to such childish methods like name-calling to counter opposing political views? There are only two reasons. Either they are over-educated/under-smart or their political ideology is indefensible. After nearly three years of redistributing income, Stimulus bills, Cash for Clunkers, $1.6 billion annual deficits, and raising the debt ceiling a gargantuan $2 trillion, I submit the answer is obvious.

Tea party members have been called names like astroturf, right-wing extremists, evil mongers, teabaggers (by our own President), liars, baby killers, greedy and, of course, racist. None of these names has resulted in slowing down the movement. Quite the contrary, the silly names from our political opponents illustrate the weakness of their ideological position and embolden the tea party to lengthen our stride. But what is our great sin in the eyes of these elitist liberals by which we are labeled with such vitriol? Exercising our First Amendment rights to peacefully protest and electing political leaders to…horrors!… represent our views!

Every week, American citizens calling for fiscal responsibility are called new names by those who ridiculously support continued trillion dollar deficits and the borrowing/printing of $.44 on each federal dollar spent. Like all loyal foot soldiers, liberals immediately fall in line armed with the latest ad hominem and attack those in the tea party movement.

The current name du jour of the tea party is “terrorist.” No less than the Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden, referred to American citizens who identify with tea party principles as such. However, Biden’s use of “terrorist” is not to be confused with oft-misunderstood Muslim extremists who explode themselves and kill innocent victims. Those would be, according to leftist elites, freedom fighters. The real terrorists are Americans who disagree with raising our debt limit for the 11th time in recent history from the current $14 trillion to nearly $17 trillion and giving President Obama and his friends a $2 trillion plus spending spree before the election next November. How evil can we teabaggers…oops…terrorists be?

Now that the name “terrorist” has come down from Mount Soros, leftists in Congress and the mainstream media have monolithically accused the tea party “wahabis” of “strapping explosives to the Capitol” to get their way. Or something. This terrorist behavior is unlike the Democrat freedom fighters who crammed ObamaCare through Congress without ever letting a Republican enter the room. Arizona Senator John “Lord of the RINOs” McCain must have not gotten the “terrorist” memo when he referred to the tea party as “Hobbits” who should allow the very career politicians who have brought America to the brink of financial disaster to complete their task! Perhaps McCain has become too enamored of the golden ring of power that brings corruption from spending too many decades in office!

As an imam with the Dallas Tea Party, I declare jihad on the big-spending practices in Washington. I reject the term “terrorist.” The tea party is fighting a holy war against the political party of evil and the other political party of stupid and their combined efforts to destroy our great nation. The tea party is immune from the pitiful weapon of name-calling from the ideologically corrupt. We demand the big-government infidels in Washington abandon their evil practices and embrace the fiscal sanity of the Grand Fiscal Conservative Muftis of the past such as Ronald Reagan (may peace and limited government be upon him). Our jihad will destroy the great Satans of out of control spending, massive deficits, and the creeping tyranny of the federal government.

The imam of Dallas cries repentance unto the corrupt infidels in Washington who have forsaken the truths contained in the holy book of the Constitution! Repent from your evil ways or each will surely be electorally destroyed in the Mother of all Political Wars…the November 2012 election! Alihu liberty!

Terrorist, Joe Biden? I got your terrorist!